Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 6


So, you remember how I said there would be days I'd want to quit, cry, and run away? And then remember how I said I was excited for this morning's workout, to see how much better I could do?


Well, truth be told, today was both of those days mixed into one. I actually did do better. But it was a LOT harder today. I reset the alarm three times this morning because I'd look out my window to an incredibly dark and gloomy sky... and couldn't face the idea of getting out of bed and facing 50 minutes of pain, sweat, and heavy breathing.

The idea of leaving my warm, cozy cave, trudging downstairs and then workout out for almost an hour sounded like Hell.

Why not just skip today? You can always pick it up tomorrow. You're sleepy and sleep is good for you too! 


No, if I skip out today, it will only be that much easier for me to skip out tomorrow... and then the next day... and then every day after that and I will have given up after only one week!

Eventually, I did make it down to the basement, did make it through the workout, and did feel better afterwards. But it is true, today was hard. I really did hold on by the "Only 10 more seconds. You can do it!" shouting at me.

The sets seemed shorter than I remembered and the water breaks longer (thank You, God!). I still had to take lots of breaks, and did skip one whole set of basketball drills (owzers!), but I still did better on everything else. Didn't make it through all three sets of the warm up today, but hey, at least I was down there.

Tomorrow should be better cuz we're doing my favorite workout so far - power cardio and resistance. Feeel the buuuuurn!

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