Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Back on Grid

Okay, wow, I've been totally off the grid for a couple months now. Oooops. You can tell I'm so great at blogging :-P

So these past two months "off" from Insanity have involved lots of hiking and running. Yes, that's it. Running. I hate running. Always have, but also have always known that it was good for me. Also, for the past few months, I've been in a "challenge group" with my coach, Amy, and a few other dedicated ladies who are committed to changing their lives and their health. It's a 90 day challenge where we hold each other accountable to exercise, eat right, drink enough water, and get enough sleep. It's also a place where we can encourage one another and celebrate in each other's victories.

These first 60 days have been super encouraging! Not a huge amount of "weight loss" yet (hey, but 5 lbs is something!), but more working towards a healthier lifestyle in general. My accountability partner checks with me daily to see how I've been eating (because, face it folks, the majority of the battle is fought IN THE KITCHEN not in the gym), whether I went for a run, and how much water I've been drinking (another huuuuuge factor). She's basically awesome, and having somebody there, other than a family member, to keep me on track has been incredibly helpful (and pretty much guilts me into actually working out every day. funny how that works.... lol).

So now that it's getting cold again, and running outside literally will bring tears to my eyes, my sister and I have decided to start Insanity again. Third time's the charm, right??? :) We did the Fit Test yesterday and I was really pleased with the results. Some of the sets I had *higher* reps on than I did the *last* Fit Test. I was amazed. And definitely encouraged. This was also the first "first" Fit Test that I didn't get nauseous right around Globe Jumps/Suicides. Again, very encouraging.

For the next two months (haha, hopefully we'll actually be able to complete it in the two months), we'll be on the Insanity schedule, but I'll also implement running on MWF as I dont want to lose ground there either. I'll be keeping my distances shorter, as I dont want to overpound my body with working out, but will try to get my speed up instead.

So yeah, there it is. Updates! Will be sharing some exciting news and maybe a picture or two in the next few days!! :)

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