Thursday, August 9, 2012

New Blog Post!

Ha. Yeah that is the grand extent of my genius for today. I know I'm due for a new post, but there isn't really much to post about. Insanity rocks on, is super exhausting, but super awesome.

Pretty much the only thing of remote interest that I could think of was my awesome Beach Body coach, AMY, has been talking to me a lot about becoming a coach myself. While the notion truly terrifies me (because I am so inadequate), I'm really giving it some thought. I'm certainly not the buffest, healthiest, or most fit and trim person you will ever meet. But there's one thing that I do have that I'm trying to help instill in others..... a deep, passionate desire for health and an unwillingness to settle for anything less.

It's been a hard journey. A REALLY hard journey. I'm not done yet. There is still a long way to go. But I'm getting there. Slowly, for sure, but still surely.

That being said, I will be seriously considering signing up as a BB coach and then seeing where things are supposed to go from there! I maaaay still hold out until after graduation in December, but we'll see. Eventhough I may not do it all perfectly (or even well), there's nothing I'd like more than to be able to help other people get motivated to take their lives back; to help them see that no matter their fitness level (or lack thereof) their life doesn't have to just stay the same way. They don't have to be a couch potato forever just because they don't know what to do. That's why we're made to learn.

I'm excited at the potential to talk with people, to encourage them, and to even walk the journey right along with them. It's a scary thought... but perhaps the final push I need to really make this thing work!

In the meanwhile, I leave you with the most recent "after" pics that I took yesterday (again, in the office waiting for my comp to start up). Whohoo. Not a lot of difference - loose size 10 pants with a size M tank... and look I have a (sorta) bicep/tricep! *happy dance*

^^p.s. just sayin... my hand is holding my scarf, *not* pushing my stomach in. haha^^


  1. Now lets see "before" and "after" together in a post :-) You look fabulous, girl! I think there is a big difference. Not just form, but also in confidence. Being happier with yourself and healthier shows.

  2. haha, yeah i need to find some "before" pics... most of them are like WAY before pics (cuz, ya know, I hid from the camera for years). And thaaaaanks :) God is good!
