As I said at the beginning of starting Insanity again, there are several weekends in June that we're out of town. The past two weekends were two out of the three. The first weekend, I was down past Roanoke for a wedding of a very dear friend. The second weekend was an annual convention that my family works in Richmond. I was the official photographer for the convention so despite having a few days off Insanity, I was extreeeeeeeeeeeeemely active. After doing some rough calculations of all the running back and forth that I did over the three days, I panned out that it was almost 20 miles of walking and/or running. Yikes! Next year, if I decide to do it again, I'll have to bring a step tracker so I can see exactly how long it was.
With days starting at 7 am and then not ending until after midnight every night that weekend (yeah, pretty much running and working the entire time), I was completely exhausted and physically drained by the time we got back. Because of that, we decided as a group that we were going to take the week off, catch up on sleep, and pick things back up again tomorrow (Monday).
We'll be midway through "week 3" and are gonna hit the ground running. I have to confess... this week off has not been good for me. I've been restless and fidgety every afternoon; my body craving the activity again... and I actually wouldn't be surprised if I put a pound or two back on (yay for summer cooking).
All the same, I'm looking forward to getting back on the wagon and pushing forward again. This evening I was talking with my sister about her upcoming Spartan Race and it got me all excited again for later in the year and then the Tough Mudder in April. I can't wait to be into training and pushing suuuper hard for that!
Tomorrow is another day and we start again. Push, push, push!!
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